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The Psychology of Exercise

The Long and Short Term Returns From Exercise

The short and long term advantages derived from consistent, moderate exercise can be sorted into three wide-ranging categories. These are health and cosmetics, cognitive functioning and emotional well being. Health and cosmetics, the most publicly discussed and familiar grouping are classified together because the healthier a person is (e.g. less fat, more muscle tone and improved circulation), the more attractive they will appear. The following catalog of long term, health-related benefits which can be expected from a regular routine of physical activity continues to grow longer as research data is continually collected and analyzed.

Currently the list includes a stronger heart and more efficient cardiovascular system, greater lung capacity, the conversion of harmful, low density, plaque accumulating cholesterol to the favored high density type, improved immune and gastrointestinal system functioning, osteoporosis and diabetes prevention, a delay and even remission in the disabling symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, a reduced fat-to-muscle ratio which accelerates metabolism, and quicker recovery from surgery and cancer treatments. This litany alone, which is hardly comprehensive, should be formidable enough to persuade “couch potatoes” to consider a radical change in behaviors.

Perhaps even more compelling, however, is the positive, short term cognitive gains and emotional boost that can be achieved from an adequate dose of exertion. A compilation of scientific studies reveal that dysphoric affective states (depression and anxiety) can be relieved, albeit temporarily, by exercise. In fact, regularly scheduled exercise protocols, which achieve comparable or better results in treating these types of psychological disorders than medication and talk therapy, have now been introduced into most residential psychiatric treatment programs. In addition, it’s now been established that intellectual prowess, problem solving ability and memory retrieval, all essential cognitive skills, are also facilitated immediately following a strenuous workout. This particular combination of favorable aftereffects makes exercise the ultimate natural “stressbuster.”

The Obesity Epidemic

It's paradoxical and curious that there are two diametrically opposed health-lifestyle trends simultaneously underway in the United States. On the one hand, there is currently an obesity epidemic, especially among young children, that is so great that the First Lady has taken it upon herself to be the spokesperson for a movement that speaks to the need for adopting counteractive measures. The promotional appeals in the current media campaign are formulated from the research findings of exercise psychologists. So too are the government's attempts to legislate policy changes that are expected to stem the tide towards chubbiness via the social engineering route.This includes delivering more appealing, related information to the public, as well as, increasing funds that will make exercise more accessible.

At the same time, existing side by side with the sedentary and overfed majority, exists the“six pack abs, hardbody” culture. Gym attendance had been spiking up until the recent recession; however, the fitness industry continues to experience substantial growth.

Active Vs. Lazy: Demographic Profiles

The decisions people make regarding lifestyle choices are guided by demographic elements and personality traits. These two sets of variables account for a great deal of the behavioral differences between individuals who are proactively attempting to remain youthful, vibrant and hardy versus those who prefer to remain inactive. Research, much of it quite naturally conducted by marketing firms, suggests that active people tend to be better educated, white, professionals, with ample disposable incomes. Religious affiliation, age, marital status and ethnicity are insignificant predictors. The well recognized credo of Nike, “Just do it,” is geared towards the upper end of the socioeconomic scale.

There are a number of reasons why this class distinction exists. The less educated, minority, blue collar subcultures generally work at more menial jobs more physically demanding but usually not enough for it to qualify as a beneficial workout. More often than not, when these individuals leave their worksites, they typically prefer to recreate with passive, less challenging endeavors that do not include summoning up the energy and self-discipline that’s needed to get up and go either to the gym or out on the road. What's more, people who are forced to live close to the vest are forced to make decisions based on current pragmatic needs and concerns rather than future possibilities.

Lazy Vs Active: Personality Profiles

The search for a “fitness personality profile” has been one topic of considerable interest. Studies indicate that while tendencies, like body consciousness, narcissism and obsessive-compulsiveness, do characterize the over-doers, the findings also reveal that a self-selection process drives people with certain combinations of traits and interests towards different types of activities. What this observation suggests is that effective exercise prescriptions be tailored to an individual’s natural inclinations, temperament, values and preferences. If people are turned off by the activity, regardless of their intentions, they are unlikely to keep on keepin' on.

According to the research results, one other factor figures highly in the decision equation. In order to even consider a lifestyle change, an individual must possess a sense of physical self-efficacy (competency and confidence), meaning that fear of failure must be minimized. One way of framing exercise to accommodate the most resistant, at risk populations is to emphasize the enjoyment of physical exertion by reducing the importance of quantitative goals like time, mileage, weight, sets, reps and sets.

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